My experience with designing a header

A header is a very important piece to ones website. It shows the person who is viewing your website, what you care about, if it is the right website for them to be on and much more. A good header in my opinion is vital for a good website. My experience creating my header was a bit of a struggle to say the least, but also at the same time it was pretty fun once I finally got the hang of it. I will be honest it took me about 3 hours to find the right photo amongst so many tempting options there is on the internet. Pixlr is a very interesting website and has many cool and fun options, but it takes a WHILE to get used to, especially for someone who doesn’t use a computer for more than school work, checking social media and ESPN. But I have to admit after you get used to using the various tools it gets to be a lot of fun. I picked The Beatles picture, first because I’m a huge fan and the picture was very abstract and I really wanted to mess around with it. I found it cool the idea of making their eyes pop out and deleting their mouths using one of the tools Pixlr has to offer. I think learning Pixlr can help me in the future if I ever get into advertising, or making really cool facebook picture and of course creating websites or blogs where I can talk about sports or whatever is on my mind. I think it is important for everyone to hae some skills in Pixlr and other websites that allow you to recreate images. I have a friend who is very into photography and I can’t wait to tell him about this website and give him a mini tutorial because i know that there is much more available to Pixlr and websites like it.


My experience creating my first website

My experience creating my first website was awesome to say the least. I didn’t know it could be so easy and free to create something so interesting and cool. It will be so easy to flow my ideas with a website. At first i was a little challenged about how to add certain things and were to find everything, but WordPress really has an awesome easy layout. I can’t wait to start using this more frequently and I’m excited for people to finally start commenting and sharing cool things on my blog!