
Memes are becoming a huge part of the social world. They can be used in campaigns, sports and just to prove a point or make someone laugh. The memes I choose in my opinion are funny. Being the person I am, funny memes really stick out to me more than factual ones. The first meme I choose was with Ron Burgandy and the caption reads, “You lost your phone and it’s on silent, Too bad, if you liked it, you should have put a ring on it. This meme cleverly shows how addicted people are to their phones using Beyonce’s catchy song. I think it is crazy how addicted people are to their phones and losing it when it is on silent is devastating and a true panic. My second meme was with a baby who doesn’t want to go back to school. Right now this is how I feel even though break has just started, but I know it will fly by! My last meme talks about Facebook, and how maybe people should start putting their “face in a book” rather than using the social media sensation. To create a successful meme you need to captivate your audience. Talking about things that are important to yourself and others, or something that is trending is a good start. Using Ang’s paradigms, The uses and gratification paradigm is great for this. People want to see things that make them gratified and happy they read it. Audiences are very active in what they view and you want to make your meme funny for a broad group of people. When you make a meme you also want to elicit a response from your audience. For example, political memes are made to make people choose their campaign or bash their oppositions. Memes can help you express yourself and your views by making a meme that is significant to you. Maybe talk about your political views or even how you feel about an upcoming sports event. I think memes can be viewed as a top-down process and a way to reinstate old advertising cycles. They can influence control if thats how the producer wants it. Using memes are a great way to “sell” your point or ideas. The use of a meme in my groups final project is important as it is another way to get someone to understand your point of view. As we talk about ways to help the homeless it will really help Buffy to see where I’m coming from and possibly have it stick in her head because its such a new way of advertising ideas.

Author: sportsman1994

My name is Alex Byrnes, I'm a junior at Rutgers studying psychology. I'm a huge sports fan, but i mostly follow hockey football and baseball. I plan on going on graduate school and ultimately receive my masters

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