Week 9 assignment

First, I would like to say our group did a great job on our first meeting, working out the kinks and really getting a grip of what we need to do to tackle such an important aspect that is plaguing our great state today! We decided that we are going to try and promote organizations, like companies, schools and the everyday person alike to try and increase their donations so charitable food drives have more food to offer to the hungry. We realized that there are many necessities in the human life such as food shelter and water. Most people can only afford the shelter and water part of the three main needs. We want people to be able to live in a habitable arrangement and not have to worry about when they are going to eat next. Many lower income families can not afford to feed themselves and their children every night, that being said my group feels that those people need to have sources to provide them with food when needed. I believe our 5 links we have found so far will help us find an audience willing to support this cause. Our three strategical way of communicating our information are as follows. A well designed Prezi to creatively entice our target audience, using informative and creative memes and lastly make an informercial highlighting the decline in public donations, and the rise of the need of these donations. It is stated by Feeding America that there is a 62% increase in need for food in New Jersey, but they also saw a decline in the amount of donations given to these charities! We are going to do the best we can to change that, and by the look of it, we are definitely heading in the right direction in persuading companies, schools and people to give what they can to help a good cause!


Author: sportsman1994

My name is Alex Byrnes, I'm a junior at Rutgers studying psychology. I'm a huge sports fan, but i mostly follow hockey football and baseball. I plan on going on graduate school and ultimately receive my masters

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